Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Spirit Led Entrepreneur

Kingdom Entrepreneurs - are those men and women who, while fully committed to fulfilling the great commission commanded by Christ, also want to use their business skills in marketplace missions.  They want to incorporate all they have learned in their area of expertise (engineering, science, technology, wealth management, etc.) to transfer knowledge and provide infrastructure to the under-served Christian leaders throughout the developing world – not to just write them a check but to become personally involved with them.  They want to meet their staff and families, and come alongside their visions.  They are enablers in the best sense of the word!

A Universal Gift

Kingdom Entrepreneurs come in all shades and sizes because this spiritual gift is trans-cultural.  No race, culture or ethnicity has a corner on this giftedness.  However, some cultures, religions and political systems are more conducive to the nurture and expression of this spirit than others.

History shows that when the entrepreneurial spirit is honored there is advancement.  Where it is repressed, there is stagnation and regression.  Thus, we have developed countries and under-developed countries. We have first world nations and third world or two-thirds world nations advanced societies and primitive societies.

All over the world, KEs seek to partner with God and His people to build His kingdom rather than their little kingdoms.  They abdicate the throne of their lives and businesses, and surrender to the Lordship of Christ.  They are differentiated from secular entrepreneurs because they live in humility, not pride.  Their entrepreneurial root is nourished by the love of the Lord Jesus and therefore their financial fruit blesses others.

Whose Business is it?

One main difference between the world’s strategy for success and the Kingdom’s strategy for success is this: The World drives you from without, the Lord inspires you from within.

Are you ready for kingdom business?  Are your really ready for a paradigm change?

If we are truly going to be Spirit led Entrepreneurs in the marketplace, we must be ready for a paradigm change.

One major difference between Kingdom Entrepreneurs and the Entrepreneurs of the world is that the Kingdom Entrepreneur is Holy Spirit led.

Are you self-led, other-led, market-led, money-led, or Holy Spirit led?

Do Business Till I Come

If God is our boss, then we should be in the marketplace carrying out his dictates, and doing business on his behalf.   Remember what the Master told his servants after distributing the talents to them in the Parable of the 10 Talents?

He said:  “Do Business until I come.” (Luke 19:13)

This tells us they were not Lord’s unto themselves and that they were doing business on behalf of another, their Lord and master.

Since “our business” is not “our business” but the Lord’s business, we are only stewards taking care of his business.

Lordship has to deal with the issue of ownership, which puts us in the place of servants and stewards, ready to carry out our Lord’s commands.

Is Jesus our Lord or are we lords unto ourselves?

The issue of lordship is quite critical in our walk and in life as Kingdom Entrepreneurs. When we get this right a lot of other things just naturally fall into place.

We must come to a point in our lives and business where we acknowledge that God is God and we’re not him.  We must acknowledge that we’re not God, and neither is money.

We must ask ourselves these questions:

Whose system are we working to promote?

Are we working to promote God’s kingdom, or the kingdom of the world?

Whose principles are we using, are we doing business God’s way, or the world’s?

If money is our boss, then will make decisions differently, we might make decisions based on what the best deal is, what is the most proper profitable venture, and we may even cut corners.

Clarify Your Priorities!

Jesus made a profound statement in Matthew 6:24; he said,

“No one can serve two masters.  Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”  (Matthew 6:24)

In this statement, contrary to popular thinking, Jesus is not talking about choosing one or the other, he was not saying, if you choose God, you cannot have money.  He was talking about our priority system.

He was saying that either God is going to be our boss or it is going to be money.  We need to choose who our boss is going to be.

If we are truly going to be Spirit led Entrepreneurs in the marketplace, we must be ready to surrender our lives and we must surrender our will to the master. We must be able to say: “Not my will but yours be done!”  We must choose to become Spirit Led Entrepreneurs.  As the Scripture says those who are led by the Spirit are the offsprings of God. (Romans 8:14)

Who is Boss?

Sort Out Your Priorities and Get Rid of Your Wealth Creation and Businesses Complexities

A lot of the simple and complex problems that Kingdom Entrepreneurs and other Marketplace Leaders have in life and in business stem from having the wrong priorities.

When we sort out our priorities, a lot of these longstanding problems simply disappear.

The wrong priorities bring disorder, confusion and poverty.  Having the right priorities bring order, peace and prosperity.

One of the areas that you need to sort out before you can be economically empowered is with regards to your priorities as it relates to God, people and money.

Have you given each of these their rightful place?

Is Money the Root of All Evil?

“Money is the root of all evil,” I bet you’ve heard that statement before.  Well this scripture, is supposedly one of the most misquoted Scriptures from the Bible.  It’s also one of the most misunderstood Scriptures.

The scripture in question actually says that “The LOVE of money is the root of all evil, ” and not that, “Money is the root of all evil.”

“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” (1 Timothy 6:10)

Now, is God actually saying that having money is wrong? Certainly not!

What it’s really saying is that when money is put in its wrong place in our lives it has the propensity not only to hurt us, but to destroy us.

This scripture is actually talking about having the right priorities. Is talking about getting our priorities straight.

Now, under the New Covenant, our priorities are thus:  Love God, and love people even as we love ourselves.

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’c This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:36-40)

These are the first and second commandments.  It will be totally out of order to place money before any of these two commandments.

Money is a Servant at Best!

Money is to be used to serve God and to serve people.  When we acknowledge God as boss, then esteem people and ourselves even as the Scripture says, then money will find its proper place and it will serve its rightful purpose in our lives.

When we acknowledge God as God, he will direct our paths as it relates to our investment and use of money.

Many marketplace business owners are often stuck in the valley of indecision, they are often stuck between two minds: to exercise their entrepreneurial prowess to the full, or not to.

Theory of Change

Governed by the Spirit

The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all
things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you." ( John 14:26)

The Holy Spirit is the vessel – the Person, the instrument, the agency, the method and the means – through Whom God accomplishes His purpose of increasing Christ in all things. Jesus said this Helper, this Counselor, this Comforter, this Teacher will abide with us for– ever and will help us as we walk the Difficult Path towards the full knowledge of Christ.

To the extent that we allow ourselves to come under the government of the Holy Spirit, to that extent will Christ be increased. Since the Holy Spirit is responsible for the increase of Christ, spiritual growth is impossible apart from the Spirit. There will be no measurable advancement, no real apprehension of spiritual things, and no recovery of the Heavenly Order apart from the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Biblical Principles in Network Marketing

As a Pastor, Bill Nissen was against Network Marketing for years.  In 2003, a friend helped 
him see a new perspective.  He still dislikes the ethics of many who do it, but he sees a 
biblical perspective that allows him to not only support network marketing, but embrace it as
a way to serve people.  Watch This Video. It is longer than most (20 minutes) but carries essential information.

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