Monday, October 27, 2014

Recognizing Our Source

But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.(Deuteronomy. 8:18).

After the Lord knows that He can trust a person, then He releases power that he/she may 
get wealth.But that is not the end of the story! The whole point is the establishment of God's 
covenant with his children,covenant of blessings, which overturns the curses which  the evil causes because of our sin and disobedience.

Pride is the greatest temptation to a successful marketplace minister. When we begin accumulating wealth, manage people, and become known for our marketplace expertise, we are most susceptible to falling to the world's most devious sin in God's eyes -- pride. The Bible tells us that God is the reason we are able to produce wealth. It is not of our own making. As soon as we move into the place where we begin to think more highly of ourselves than we ought, God says he will take action. "You may say to yourself, "My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me" (Deuteronomy 8:17). "If you ever forget the LORD your God and follow other gods and worship and bow down to them, I testify against you today that you will surely be destroyed. Like the nations the LORD destroyed before you, so you will be destroyed for not obeying the LORD your God (Deuteronomy 8:19-20).

These are strong words from God. It demonstrates His utter impatience for any people who think that what they have accomplished has anything to do with their own power. It is God who gives us the skill, the mind, the resources, the energy, the drive, and the opportunities in life to accomplish anything. When we become prideful in heart, He will begin a process of reproof in our life.

Evil may come in anytime after God's blessing;  God warns us:

God may release power for wealth, but if we start worshiping the wealth instead of The Wealth-Giver, then it is like worshiping Mammon. The Lord said that we cannot worship BOTH God and Mammon, for surely, we shall love one more and despise the other.

When He gives us wealth, it is for the purpose of using it to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth, by giving as He directs us.

Today is a good day to examine whether you have fallen prey to pride. Are you sharing what God has entrusted to you with God's people, or the needy? Are you being the instrument of blessing that God desires for his people to be? What areas of pride have crept into your life? Ask the Lord to show you this today. And avoid being put on the shelf. Nothing is worse than being cast aside because of our own pride.

The Proper Foundation

Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain (Psalm 127:1).

Imagine spending years building an expensive home with the finest materials and craftsmanship. It is a work of art. The project is almost complete. The day arrives to move in. A building inspector arrives just before you are to move in. He hands you a notice. That notice condemns your beautiful home because it doesn't meet code.

Many Christian business people invest years in their businesses who will one day stand before the Lord and realize THEY were building the house, not the LORD. God is very picky about motives behind the actions. Before we act we must ask WHY? Why are we doing what we are doing? Has God called us to this task? Or is the real motive purely financial? Or control. Or prestige. If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, because the day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work (1Corinthians 3:12,13).

David learned this principle by the end of his life. Throughout his life he learned that God always tested David to find out what was in his heart. And what his motive was in his actions. He instructed his son to acknowledge the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole hearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts"(1Chronicles 28:9).

Today's Prayer:

Dear Father in Heaven, 

Thank You for all You provide for me and for the opportunity to create wealth in my business. I remember Thee, my LORD my God, for the Bible tells me that “it is God who is giving me power to make wealth.” (Deuteronomy 8:18) 

I pray that You would fill me with wisdom and understanding as Solomon of old (1 Kings 4:29) and Thy “Spirit, light, understanding and excellent wisdom” as Daniel. (Daniel 5:14) For it is through thy Spirit, light, understanding and wisdom that we gain wealth and succeed. 

Father, please prosper me that those around me may prosper as well -- that I may bring honor and glory unto Thee. 

I ask and pray these things in Jesus’ name, Amen

Biblical Principles in Network Marketing

As a Pastor, Bill Nissen was against Network Marketing for years.  In 2003, a friend helped 
him see a new perspective.  He still dislikes the ethics of many who do it, but he sees a 
biblical perspective that allows him to not only support network marketing, but embrace it as
a way to serve people.  Watch This Video. It is longer than most (20 minutes) but carries essential information.


Monday, October 20, 2014

Kingdom Networking Today

One of the most powerful functions of the Kingdom Net (what I call the global network of people who submit to Christ's Kingly Rule) involves our ability to call each other to prayer.

As Kingdom networkers, would you join me in repentance, sorrow, and earnest prayer for the awakening of our nation?

Kingdom networkers also strive to create a powerful, life-changing experience through the services they offer to people, ultimately bringing them into a saving relationship with God.  At times, we may get the privilege of leading someone directly to Jesus, in whom they will find an Eternal Life that starts now.  No one will ever forget the moment Jesus saved them and they were born again.  But often, leading people to Jesus involves a lot of experiences on the way to an eventual decision to follow Christ (or even a realization that such a decision has gradually occurred.)

“Get Saved Quick Schemes” that expect people to listen to a rational message and make an immediate decision to follow Christ represents the old, pre-Future Shock, modernistic economy of rational choice about scarce goods and services.  That approach may or may not have worked in the past. (It is commonly said that only 1 in 10 people who make such decisions to follow Christ actually become disciples).   But in today’s experience-oriented world, it often takes a rich, sustained experience of friendship or community and a series of exposures to the presence of God to bring people to a truly transforming encounter with Christ.

Full-Fledged Relationship

Some people assume that we can live compartmentalized lives where we leave Jesus at home or at church. Many Christians do not welcome Jesus into their workplace. As a result, we share Jesus with our friends who already believe in Him, and we do not share Jesus with those who do not believe in Him. But Kingdom networking will not flow on that short circuit. 

Developing full-fledged friendships, complete with shared activities outside of religious activities, almost always bears the ripest fruit. Such activities might include helping people move into their houses, playing golf, attending sporting events, making quilts, playing in the local civic symphony, or getting active in a civic organization such as Rotary International. The options are as diverse as human interests.

As real relationships develop, the reality of Christ in our lives begins to emerge. Sometimes, deeper relationships allow us to share our Kingdom networks with people in ways that benefit them professionally or personally in completely nonspiritual aspects. As we support them with our prayers and engage them with the Kingdom net, we will eventually touch them spiritually as well. No matter what else we do to bring our coworkers to Christ, we should be faithful to pray for them.
The Kingdom Networker's Mission

The Great Commission
Jesus said, ”All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19)

 Our Original Calling was to Dominate and Rule.

When God first created us (back in Genesis) our calling was not to preach the gospel and 
get people saved. However, because we (mankind) messed that up,we have to preace the 
gospel and get people saved, so God can put us back in our rightful calling.

So when you preach the gospel and get someone saved you are restoring them back to their kingship. Therefore, you are a restorer of Kings. Let's restore some kings this coming
New Year 2015 and beyond.

Biblical Principles in Network Marketing

As a Pastor, Bill Nissen was against Network Marketing for years.  In 2003, a friend helped 
him see a new perspective.  He still dislikes the ethics of many who do it, but he sees a 
biblical perspective that allows him to not only support network marketing, but embrace it as
a way to serve people.  Watch This Video. It is longer than most (20 minutes) but carries essential information.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Cornerstone of Networking


Networking is a particular area of business skills that has enormous potential for enhancing a marketer's performance.

No one can operate any kind of business or professional practice successfully without establishing a network ofrelationships that will make the availability of their goods and service known to the people who need them
That fact applies as much to church ministry as it does to any other field of work and perhaps even more powerfully, since networking is part of the nature of the kingdom of God. To operate successfully in God’s kingdom, you must have good networking skills.

What is Networking/Network Marketing?

The art of promoting, supporting and building relationships. You can make money doing it, but it takes real people offering value to others and working together. “Alone we can do so little, together we can do more” Helen Keller
The Kingdom Net-worker

The greatest networker in history was Jesus Christ.
Beginning with a team of three close friends and a dozen followers. He created an organization that today has over 2 billion members.

Jesus networked for a single purpose: to introduce people to the kingdom of God. No product, service, or personal friendship can meet the needs of people more complete than ushering them into God's rule.

Jesus used networking to deliver to humanity the highest level of service that anyone has ever offered. The Original “Kingdom Networker” was Lord Jesus

Regardless of your line of work, adopting the Jesus style of networking can take your life 
and career to a new level. By networking His way, you can achieve greater success in your career or professional life. You can enhance your personal life through building more and better friendships. You can find more significance in your life by ratcheting up the level and breadth of service you provide to others. Learning to network like Jesus will help you make the most of your life for God and for others.

Jesus' Networking

Jesus expanded the Kingdom Net everywhere He went, calling people like the tax collectors Levi and Zacchaeus to repentance and forgiveness and a changed life that put their skills to work in new ways. He interacted with sinful people and religious people, powerful people and the oppressed, the sick and the healthy. He received crucial support from a young boy with a few loaves and fishes, which He multiplied to feed a large crowd. He had a meal with just about everyone. In all these encounters, He conducted a master class in human relations. Given the spectacular spread of Christianity since Jesus first began to declare the Kingdom net, the wise networker will make the study of Jesus’ way of dealing with people his or her best textbook on networking.

Parable Of The Net
Bible Reference: (Matthew 13:47)

Jesus said, The Kingdom of God is like a net .That figurative saying from the Parable of 
the Net has special meaning in today’s world of Internet, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, 
Instagram, and other social networking tools. Unlike many languages, English has a specific word for net-like relational connections: network.  Since networks describe metaphorical nets rather than literal ones, we could accurately understand Jesus to say, “The kingdom of God is a network” aka (Kingdom Net).

According to Jesus, the Kingdom is God’s net cast into the world. The net catches both good fish and bad. Sincere and insincere people, true believers and faithless fellow travelers, all find themselves caught up in it. The kingdom of God brings in a lot of people; and, as we will see, some of them become part of the network itself. In the end, God will sort out who belongs and who does not.

Like New Testament-era fishermen working their nets, God constantly works the Kingdom Net - weaving it larger, mending its torn places, catching more fish. In another parable-like saying, Jesus told His disciples, “Come, follow me, and I will send you out to fish for people” (Mark 1:17). The disciples of Jesus Christ serve as His fishers — in effect, the network He deploys to catch more people.

Carrying On With Jesus' Work

Jesus meant for His disciples to do more miracles and evangelize and win more people than He had done during His life on earth. In fact, the disciples of Jesus have carried on His 
works for 20 centuries since His death. The numerical tally of their miracles and their “fishing results” vastly exceeds the total number of people Jesus touched during His life on earth. Of course, Jesus deserves all the credit for our accomplishments since He performed them all through us. And He will also reap all the profits. After all, we are His fishing company. The big one that got away, the little ones we almost let slip through the net, the fish we caught and delivered to His shore — all the “net profits” belong to Him.

If the kingdom of God is a net, then it is primarily a fishnet. The Kingdom does not seek to take the place of earthly governments, businesses, the family, schools, labor unions, hospitals, any other institution of society. The Kingdom net exists to fish. Although the Kingdom embraces and holds sway over every dimension of our lives, it can never truly and fully reflect the reign of God over us without engaging us in the King’s quest to seek and save the lost. The Kingdom net always involves reconciling lost people to the God who loves them. Kingdom networking ultimately focuses on bringing people to Jesus.

When we see the people of God brought together under the lordship of Christ and sense our connection to them through the Holy Spirit who makes King Jesus present in us all, we see the Kingdom. So the kingdom of God is both visible and invisible. The presence of Jesus, at work through His people, makes it visible. The parable of the net[work] portrays the Kingdom as a network of people.

Why Fisherman?

Have you ever wondered why Jesus called so many fishermen to become His disciples?
It's because they were “net-workers.”

No, I am not attempting some lame humor. I am serious. Fishermen were the kind of people Jesus needed. Certainly, Jesus’ disciples did not understand many things when He chose them. None of them were great theologians, skilled writers, trained public speakers, or psychological counselors. They had not received training in any of the subjects so popular in today’s Bible colleges and seminaries. But they all had one indisputable qualification: They were networkers.

At the most literal level, Peter and his friends knew how fishing nets worked. They knew how to make nets, how to cast them over the side of the boat, how to work them in the water, how to draw them back into the boat, and how to mend and maintain them after the day’s work. But they also knew something even more vital.

Running a successful fishing business in first-century Israel required more than just working nets. It also required networking. Fishermen not only knew how to work nets, but also how to work as a team. They knew how to take the fish to market and sell them. They knew how to find people who would transport the fish into the interior of the country and market them in the surrounding communities. They understood distribution, marketing, sales, profit margins, and other business aspects of their work. We would recognize them today as expert networkers.

If you intend to fish for people, then you have to know how to operate people “nets.” Networking is the essential Kingdom task; but, despite this fact, seminaries do not commonly teach courses in networking. Any follower of Jesus, regardless of his or her work, can express the kingdom of God through networking.

Christ is Chosen and Precious

For it is contained in Scripture: “Behold, I lay in Zion a cornerstone,chosen and precious; 
and he who believes on Him shall by no means be put to shame." (1Peter 2:6)   To you 
therefore who believes is the preciousness; but to the unbelieving, " The stone which the builders rejected, this has become the head of the corner." (1Peter 2:7)

First, as we have seen, Christ was chosen by God in eternity past. That was God's initial 
choosing of Him. Then God chose Christ the second time in resurrection. Resurrection is a 
strong proof that God has chosen Christ. This second choosing was a confirmation of God's first choosing.Therefore, in resurrection God confirmed the  choice He had made concerning
Christ in eternity past.

When Christ was on the cross, apparently He was rejected by God. To the Pharisees and 
tp all the others who opposed Him, the crucifixion of Christ was a sign that God had rejected Him.

According to Matthew 27, the chief priests, with the scribes and the elders, said,"He is king 
of Israel, let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe on him. He trusted upon God; let Him rescue him now if He wants him: for he said, I am God's Son."
(Matthew 27:42-43)

"And the rulers were even sneering and saying, He saved others let him save himself if this 
is the Christ of God, the Chosen One!" (Luke 23:35)

The religious leaders thought that God had rejected Christ. However, on the third day Christ 
was resurrected, and that resurrection was a sign of God's choosing, a proof that God had chosen Christ to be the stone for His building.

The statement, "Behold, I lay in Zion a chosen stone," refers not only Christ's resurrection, 
but also to His ascension. After God resurrected Christ, He lifted Him up to the heavens. 
Therefore, Christ's ascension was a further sign and confirmation that God had chosen Him.

God's choosing of Christ in eternity past was not seen by anyone, not even by the angels. 
When God chose Christ, nothing had been created, for that choice was made before the 
foundation of the world. Only God knew that Christ was His chosen One. But this choice  
has been manifested in Christ's resurrection and ascension. Soon after Christ's ascension, Peter realized clearly that Christ is the Messiah chosen by God. This was the reason Peter
said to the religious leaders in Acts 4,

"Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ
of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man
stand here before you whole.This is the stone which was at nought of you builders, which is 
become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" (v. 10-12).

There is salvation in no other name because God has chosen Christ, and this choice has
been manifested in and confirmed by Christ's resurrection and ascension.

Along with the other apostles, Peter could testify that he had seen the resurrected Christ.
Furthermore, they had all witnessed His ascension. These two acts, resurrection and 
ascension, prove and confirm that Jesus of Nazareth is the One whom God has chosen to be the head of the corner for God's building.

As such a chosen One, Christ is now held in honor. Christ is not only in glory; He is also on 
the throne at the right hand of God. This means that He is in a position of honor. Because 
Christ is now in such an honorable position, He is precious, highly valued.

Biblical Principles in Network Marketing

As a Pastor, Bill Nissen was against Network Marketing for years.  In 2003, a friend helped 
him see a new perspective.  He still dislikes the ethics of many who do it, but he sees a 
biblical perspective that allows him to not only support network marketing, but embrace it as
a way to serve people.  Watch This Video. It is longer than most (20 minutes) but carries essential information.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Business Networking

Networking is a lot of fun! Business networking is when a group of like minded business people gather and help each other. If you check, you will surely find  a networking group in your area. The networking group can meet as often as they wish, as is convenient for the participants.

Regretably, most people start with a networking group by looking for immediate gains.... that is, for favorable results for themselves. If this is what you are trying to achieve, you are networking for the wrong reasons and will be sticking out like a sore thumb.

Many people think that the size of a networking group makes the difference in networking. When groups start falling in size, members will say, "we have to build up our numbers." Now, what numbers are they referring to? Is it the number of participants? I would rather belong to a networking group of two people who can help each other on a regular basis than have a large group of business people not following the Ten Commandments of Networking. It is not the quantity, it is the quality.

"I haven't got any leads yet!" Well excuse me, have you given one, ever? Or, have you made a suggestion that might help a fellow member? Did you call anyone with a compliment and say, "Just wanted you to know, Jim, that your comments on the XYZ expansion was right on the money." One must be willing to put in time waiting also. It might take a while before people feel comfortable with offering you a referral.

Networking groups will come and go. To get the most out of your networking experience, you need to build a relationship with people who you want to have contact with. Not all members will be able to help you, nor will you be able to help them. That doesn't mean you should snub them! I still have strong relationships with my networking friends from groups that are long gone.

When networking, spend most of your time and effort on people who can help each other out, for the long term. That is right. This is a long term project. Countless times I have been to business networking events and have seen people actually run from person to person, with the expectations of first giving away their business card and hoping to gather the other person's. How can you possibly build a relationship with a person when your objective is to get out there, and collect cards? Some networking groups make a game out of it to see who can collect the most in a certain time. What a waste of business cards!

You will find that a highly effective networker will "work the net". What I mean is that they will go into a function with a goal in mind. My usual goal when business networking is to have the expectation that I will "meet" and "understand" only three people per event. I know what kind of person that I can help and expect that this person will be able to do the same for me. A win/win situation is what I am talking about. The highly effective networker will take the time to cultivate a rapport.

After the business networking event is when the real work begins. After all, you are only at the networking event to meet and build rapport. Follow up ASAP. Now is the time to send a nice customized card, and call a few days after to arrange a time to meet for a coffee or to have lunch. That is when you can listen to the details of what your new "friend" requires. You might even have the chance to offer your goods and services, only after listening.

Business networking is productive and fun, and that is why it will always be part of the Bigger Picture.

If you want to gain the most out of business networking, follow …

The Importance of Relationship Building In Business Networking

Lots of opportunities in Networking. You can network and solcial network all you want. You can join  companies again and again, but if your focus is not on investing in people in your downline, and mentoring with your upline, then what is the sense of network marketing, multi-level marketing, marketing or networking  in any shape, form or definition of it!

What if you focused on investing in the leadership and self-development growth of your network of people?  Do you think you would build trust with your downline?

Your network of people and the relationships you build; determines your net worth.  The people you associate with bring value into your life.  Your value, your worth is determined by your contributions.  What are you worth? What are relationships worth to you?  Do you add value to the lives of others?  Is your purpose more important than the money?

What is the opportunity that presents itself for networking?  You are the opportunity.  An opportunity is not a company.  I am sure you have heard this before?  People join people not companies!  It is the truth!

Your target market are people involved in your network who desire to be better, believe in better and desire to grow.  They have dreams and goals and need someone to believe in them, encourage them, and provide them with the resources and tools that will help them through the challenges in life.

Biblical Principles in Network Marketing

As a Pastor, Bill Nissen was against Network Marketing for years.  In 2003, a friend helped 
him see a new perspective.  He still dislikes the ethics of many who do it, but he sees a 
biblical perspective that allows him to not only support network marketing, but embrace it as
a way to serve people.  Watch This Video. It is longer than most (20 minutes) but carries essential information.