Monday, October 20, 2014

Kingdom Networking Today

One of the most powerful functions of the Kingdom Net (what I call the global network of people who submit to Christ's Kingly Rule) involves our ability to call each other to prayer.

As Kingdom networkers, would you join me in repentance, sorrow, and earnest prayer for the awakening of our nation?

Kingdom networkers also strive to create a powerful, life-changing experience through the services they offer to people, ultimately bringing them into a saving relationship with God.  At times, we may get the privilege of leading someone directly to Jesus, in whom they will find an Eternal Life that starts now.  No one will ever forget the moment Jesus saved them and they were born again.  But often, leading people to Jesus involves a lot of experiences on the way to an eventual decision to follow Christ (or even a realization that such a decision has gradually occurred.)

“Get Saved Quick Schemes” that expect people to listen to a rational message and make an immediate decision to follow Christ represents the old, pre-Future Shock, modernistic economy of rational choice about scarce goods and services.  That approach may or may not have worked in the past. (It is commonly said that only 1 in 10 people who make such decisions to follow Christ actually become disciples).   But in today’s experience-oriented world, it often takes a rich, sustained experience of friendship or community and a series of exposures to the presence of God to bring people to a truly transforming encounter with Christ.

Full-Fledged Relationship

Some people assume that we can live compartmentalized lives where we leave Jesus at home or at church. Many Christians do not welcome Jesus into their workplace. As a result, we share Jesus with our friends who already believe in Him, and we do not share Jesus with those who do not believe in Him. But Kingdom networking will not flow on that short circuit. 

Developing full-fledged friendships, complete with shared activities outside of religious activities, almost always bears the ripest fruit. Such activities might include helping people move into their houses, playing golf, attending sporting events, making quilts, playing in the local civic symphony, or getting active in a civic organization such as Rotary International. The options are as diverse as human interests.

As real relationships develop, the reality of Christ in our lives begins to emerge. Sometimes, deeper relationships allow us to share our Kingdom networks with people in ways that benefit them professionally or personally in completely nonspiritual aspects. As we support them with our prayers and engage them with the Kingdom net, we will eventually touch them spiritually as well. No matter what else we do to bring our coworkers to Christ, we should be faithful to pray for them.
The Kingdom Networker's Mission

The Great Commission
Jesus said, ”All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19)

 Our Original Calling was to Dominate and Rule.

When God first created us (back in Genesis) our calling was not to preach the gospel and 
get people saved. However, because we (mankind) messed that up,we have to preace the 
gospel and get people saved, so God can put us back in our rightful calling.

So when you preach the gospel and get someone saved you are restoring them back to their kingship. Therefore, you are a restorer of Kings. Let's restore some kings this coming
New Year 2015 and beyond.

Biblical Principles in Network Marketing

As a Pastor, Bill Nissen was against Network Marketing for years.  In 2003, a friend helped 
him see a new perspective.  He still dislikes the ethics of many who do it, but he sees a 
biblical perspective that allows him to not only support network marketing, but embrace it as
a way to serve people.  Watch This Video. It is longer than most (20 minutes) but carries essential information.

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